I think one of my favorite parts of blogging is looking at other blogs. I have met (actually not met at all, just stalked) so many wonderful and creative teachers from around the country. It is so cool to be able to read a blog and go "hey, I can do that!" or "phewww, so I'm not the only one that feels that way!" I will also say that it has been a true blessing to see how many of these wonderful teachers are believers and followers of Christ. How cool is that?!?!?!
When I found out about this linky party....I was excited but slightly nervous. With all these people linked up, I may have to actually do these things! As a teacher, I am snuggled in nice and cozy to how I do things...shaking it up really shakes me up! But, maybe thats the point? So here they are!
I also linked up late, so didn't exactly follow the schedule, but it really pushed me to make resolutions in general!
This time last year, I wasn't in the best place. I had my wonderful job, family, and God...but nothing else was going the way I planned. Looking back a year later, I can now say THANK GOD for this year! Nothing overly drastic, wonderful or terrible happened...but it was a year to learn about myself and really grow. Knowing this, makes me super excited for 2013!
Speaking of grow....oh my goodness my baby sister is a teenager. And not just a teenager, a fashionable, gorgeous, funny teenager. It honestly seems like just yesterday I was a gawky SUPER awkward 11 year old picking her up from the airport. That adorable 6 month old baby arriving off the plane from Korea has now turned into a 13 year old teen who I am so proud of! So my
resolution...be not only a sister, but a woman she can look up to. Being a teen in today's world seems near impossible, but I pray that this year I can make conscious choices with her in mind. Model how to be faithful, selfless and kind.
This is me and my gorgeous best friend on her wedding day two years ago. This september, I found out that I was going to be an "aunt" and they were going to be welcoming a baby boy in April! I was so excited and couldn't wait to be such a huge part of this baby's life...but wait...she lives in Rochester, NY. As in, not that close to St. Michaels, MD. I realized then that I have to make more of an effort to stay connected to people I love. So my
resolution...reach out more to friends and loved ones. I can get very comfortable in my own little work, come home, work some more, sleep routine. This year I'm going to push myself to broaden my horizons and do more with the people I cherish!
And then comes Cami....who as you can see has to be in the middle of everything...
You can't take a picture, or move for that matter, without her there...
But, oh my goodness I love that dog! She is the sweetest and most loving dog I have ever seen. She is such a love and I can't imagine her not being in the middle (literally) of our lives. When it is just the family in the house, Cam will settle down and chew a bone or nap like an angel....but when someone comes in the door...that's a different story. She get's so excited about other's entering the house, that it makes it hard to have company and we end up having to put her away when guests come. Which is such a shame, because they really would love her if they saw the true Cami. So my resolution...spend some serious time working with my dog. Goldens are such a smart breed...I know if I took the time, we could fix this. P.s. comment if you have suggestions!
At the beginning of this school year, I started my masters in ESOL Literacy. Ahhhh...am I crazy?!!??!! So my resolution...Keep on keeping on!
I tend to ebb and flow with the whole desire to work out thing. During this picture, I was all for running marathons! Not so much two months later. So my resolution...look at exercise differently and make it a part of my life...not just a passing idea.

This year has been very hard for myself and many teachers around our area. Counties have jumped head first into Common Core, asking us teachers to basically build the plane as we are flying. With our curriculum guides and resources gone, we are the ones developing, creating, testing, and teaching this new curriculum. In the beginning of the school year spirits were down and bad attitudes were up. And I admit, I was right there with them. It is very hard to truly connect and teach students when you are completely drowning in work, just to get from one day to the next. So my resolution...stop thinking the above quote is funny. I have talked to my colleagues recently about the awesome results we already see from Common Core. Yea, it's hard work, it's frustrating, and sometimes it doesn't seem fair. But the kids are benefiting, and how cool is it going to be ten years from now when I can say, "yea, I had part in developing the first grade curriculum in my county when we started Common Core."
I really, really, really want to buy a house. In my head, it is silly that I can't find a cottage like Miss. Honey lived in. Why should this be so difficult? This is the perfect place for Cami and I, pre- boyfriend, marriage, and kids. So my resolution...keep saving, being smart with my money, praying on it, and looking for a suitable house to buy.