Happy Sunday friends! I love Sundays. Love them from the tip of my toes! Such a time to plug in and recharge. And I love me some sunday morning worship surrounded by my church family. I then love having lunch w the family and running errands w mom. And by running errands I mean target. Duh.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Fabric. The fabric of our lives.
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3:26 PM
Labels: faith
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Always Sunny With Him...
I always say that I wish God spoke to me more. I'm one of those "Ok God if I can chug this glass of orange juice before this commercial is over that means you want me to _____." Really, Caitlin. What I mean is I never really stop to listen...I plan and manipulate what I hear. Maybe its a girl thing? Maybe its a virgo thing? Maybe its a teacher thing? Who knows. What I do know is it's what I do...and that my personal goal and my prayer for myself is that I can start letting go and letting God. What do you need to let go of and give to God?
I have learned, more so in the last two years than ever, that when you plan God laughs. Case in Point. Five years ago I would have bet money I'd be married and planning for a baby at 24. God said HAHAH. Two years ago I would have bet money I'd be engaged right now planning a wedding. God said HAHAHA. One year ago I would have bet money I'd be living in my very own house right now. But yet again God let out his deep belly laugh and HAHAed in my face. Now don't get me wrong, they're not nasty, mean, bullying haha's. They are more like haha if you only knew the plans I have for you type of laugh. They are like haha your disappointments would make you laugh too if you could actually see how your life will turn out. And sometimes, especially when I look back on some of the guys I dated, they probably are HAHAHAH you were honestly hoping to marry him? (because I do believe God has an amazing sense of humor).
See, if God had answered my prayers two years ago...I would have never accepted the job I have now, I would have been in a relationship with someone who didn't share my faith, and I would have been two hours away from my entire family. Two years ago I thought my life was over when those prayers weren't answered. But oh my Lord had my prayers been answered then, I'd have lost or never known the amazingness of what I have now...my school, my friends, my kiddos, my Cami, my family. Wow, how amazing these last two years have been. And yea there were some sucky times. But aren't the sucky times so much less sucky when you are where the Lord wants you to be?
So maybe hearing God isn't actually hearing his voice in the quiet of your brain (which is a HAHA moment because my brain is never quiet). Maybe its not sitting down and having meditating prayer time when all of the sudden everything makes sense. Maybe its applying to ten counties in your state and ONLY getting an interview in the county that you were raised in, the county that only hired two elementary teachers that year, the county where you never ever expected to work in. Maybe its going to work every morning and going to church every Sunday and being surrounded by people who you know fit into your life as though they were made to be a part of you, and realizing you would have never known so deeply, or at all, if God had answered your prayers two years earlier. Maybe its having your 13 year old sister raid your closet and realize this would have never happened if He answered my prayers. Maybe its having a stomach disorder that basically crippled you and then mysteriously went away as quickly as it came and getting a clean bill of health as soon as you accepted God's NO and started living the life he had planned.
I'm not the type of person to hear God right away. But I've grown to be the person who realizes two years later WOW when I didn't have my crap together, God held that crap together. And when I can't hear him and figure things out just by listening, He says NO to my prayers and I am forced to listen. Just like a parent, He says no not to be a tyrant and to take away our fun, but to love us and guide us when we can't see the way ourselves. Regardless of how you hear Him, He is da bomb diggity and I am oh so grateful.
Keep smiling friends, it's almost Spring, and we all have our God holding our crap together s
Posted by
5:02 PM
Labels: faith
Monday, February 18, 2013
Always Sunny With Him...
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4:05 PM
Labels: faith
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
DJ Spurry Spins a Bad Week Around...
Ever have one of those weeks where you can't catch a break and your head hurts so bad you figure life must actually physically be pushing down on you? You want to cry, take a personal day, hide away and eat until you can't eat anymore. And then just when you think you can't take much more, God drops a beat boxing white guy from Baltimore City in your school. And this beat boxing white guy puts on this awesome assembly for your kids and just when you think the assembly is over he asks for a volunteer. And a good chunk of the staff and students begin yelling YOUR name at the top of their lungs. So beat boxing white guy calls you up to be his assistant and you beat box together, in front of your school, with a microphone, while its all being videotaped....and for just that beat boxing moment, you forgot everything else that was going on and truly laughed with your friends and students.
That basically sums up my day.
If by chance you are reading this blog from Maryland or surrounding areas, please check this out! The beat boxing white guy is Max Bent and he was terrific...I'm sure your kiddos would love him too!

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4:01 PM
Labels: faith
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Sunday, January 6, 2013
I have a new man in my life...and his name is HP!
Oh happy day!!!! I am so excited to introduce you to my new beau Mr. HP. He is convenient, handsome, super handy, inexpensive, very efficient and I missed him even before I knew him! He is so great and he has inspired me to create and create in COLOR.

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4:55 PM
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Happy Snirt Week Friends...
Let me just start by saying that as a Christian, I celebrate Jesus' birth all year long. Being a Christian isn't always fun,rainbows, butterflies and super sparkly days, but my belief in Christ does give me a joyful heart even when I am not "happy."
BUT that week after the actual man-made holiday of Christmas....that time is kind of depressing. I think I like the build up (Thanksgiving-Christmas Eve) so much more! I equate the week after Christmas to the week after a freshly fallen snow (which by the way, with this global warming stuff...I doubt I'll ever see snow again in MD). You know when the pretty snow (Christmas) starts to melt and mix with dirt and becomes that nasty brown mess (the week after Christmas)? Well that nasty brown mess, my friends is SNIRT (snow/dirt). And we are in the midst of snirt week. Good luck!
Snirt week has a way of highlighting the things in your life that you weren't noticing during the freshly fallen Christmas snow time....
1. I need to get out of my vacation coma and do lesson plans.
2. We still have a lot of school left in the year.
3. IRA's and report cards are looming in the January forecast.
4. I have no room in the inn for all of my clothes/accessories.
5. My dog is not as trained as I thought she was.
6. I somehow have acquired a taste for very expensive things (David Yurman, Tory Burch, etc.) These brands aren't sold at Target...and hello, I'm a teacher.
7. I pay for the gym monthly...enough said.
8. Eating peanut brittle and sugar cookies for breakfast isn't socially accepted after January 1st.
9. I only have four more days to wear yoga pants.
10. Can someone please sell me their adorable, little, perfect for a single teacher house...for relatively cheap?
In other snirt week news, I FINALLY finished my snowman literacy activity packet for TPT. Check it out!
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Holy Teacher Chair!!!!! I cannot wait to set this up in the front of my classroom! |
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Holy Teenage Sister...when did that happen??!!?!? |

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8:45 AM
Labels: faith
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
An Amazing Holiday Gift...
Happy Tuesday Friends!
Today was our last day of school in the 2012 school year (how crazy is that??!?!?) I have just hauled in my many amazing kid given presents...gift cards galore, a Coach purse (holllly awesomeness), tons of sweet treats and the cutest six-year old written cards you will ever see. The best gift I got today was seeing how truly thrilled all 19 of my students were to get the chapter books I gave them. It was such a blessing to see how excited they were...a few of them even stopped mid-chaos-holiday party to begin reading!
I am now going to get sappy and share with you something that truly touched my heart and will be with me forever...I had a great day with my kids today. The day was laid back (it was PJ day) and stress free. I had fun! My kids and I made hot chocolate, we laughed and were excited about Santa coming, and we had a blast eating treats literally all day long! It was one of those days where you say to yourself, as you're wiping frosting off a desk, "this is why I teach."
Which immediately brings me to tears because I have felt sadness and deep loss for those students in Connecticut as if they were my own. My heart cannot fathom the pain those parents are feeling, but I can begin to understand what those teachers are and were feeling, because every teacher knows the very unique love we all have for our students. Even the ones who drive us absolutely nuts, we love them. We provide a second home, a welcoming smile, a constant in their lives. And regardless of what happens that is evil in this word, that fact will never change. Ours is not a profession that you fall into, it is not a profession that you come into half heartedly...and that is evident in the stories and accounts we are hearing on the news. I thank God for those amazing teachers who loved those babies until the very end, I thank God that we are still a nation full of schools with amazing educators, I thank God that every one of my students was shielded from the media and had no idea there was a reason to fear, I thank God.
On a lighter note, I will will leave you with some of my holiday highlights from the past week....
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Kettle corn with melted peppermint hershey kisses...amazing! |
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Holiday Language Arts packs I sent home with my Language Arts friends |
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Tacky Christmas Sweater Family Portrait |
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Rosie's Holiday Haircut |
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3:07 PM
Labels: faith