Sunday, January 6, 2013

I have a new man in my life...and his name is HP!

Oh happy day!!!! I am so excited to introduce you to my new beau Mr. HP.  He is convenient, handsome, super handy, inexpensive, very efficient and I missed him even before I knew him!  He is so great and he has inspired me to create and create in COLOR.

My teacher BFFL over at Shafer's Shenanigans went on a math manipulative organizational cliff this weekend. She created some super cute labels for her bins that you can grab hereShe inspires me daily and I am truly a better teacher because of her!   Me being a pink/everything has to match freak took her labels and added a border to match my bins.  

 I also went to the dollar store today (love that place!) and I finally bought clipboards!!! My poor kiddos use their slates as clipboards now.  I think my beau Mr. HP inspired me to buy them just so I could create this cute label for the yellow bin they will go in.

I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend and have had some restful and fun times with family and friends.  I have decided that I am going to start a new Always Sunny in First tradition and leave you with some wisdom I bring away from church every Sunday.  I'm going to call this segment Always Sunny With Him.



Anonymous said...

Love Mr. HP! I have one as well! He's wireless, gotta love that! Thanks for sharing your inspirational post. I hope you don't mind, but I saved your message to my desktop. Something worth thinking about!


Shafer's Shenanigans said...

OMG! I am so honored to be your teacher BFFL...the feeling is completely mutual!

I am loving your blog updates! Keep it up, dawg!

Unknown said...

So glad you enjoyed!

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