Thursday, February 21, 2013

Jumping for the Heart...

Hey Heart Healthy Friends,

Some awesome things happened today...
1. I got my last observation of the year YIIPPEEEE! It is now time to reduce the stress load, have fun with the kiddos and count down the days to break out my toes!

2. We got to wear sweats to work today as long as we jumped. Jump roped for the heart that is.  And can I just say...there is something so very amazing about yoga pants.  I was such a better teacher today wearing the stretchy amazingness of Target stretch pants.  I had more patience, more funnies, more smiles, and more teachable moments.  True story.

3. It was Jump Rope for Heart Day!  Every year our kiddos get donations and raise money for the American Heart Association and they spend a whole day jumping rope for the healthy hearts!  They love it!  And (as you can see below) so does Shafer.

I got kind of lucky that the pics of the kiddos were blurry, so I could share them!  

They had a blast!

Keep jumping friends!!!


Shafer's Shenanigans said...

That is such a flattering picture of me...thanks for posting! Ha ha!

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