Ok Friends...16 (school) days until Christmas Break!!! I feel like time painfully slooooowwws between Thanksgiving break and Christmas break and trudges along like molasses being poured on a freezing cold morning...yea thats the simile I came up with.
Anywhoo....Thanksgiving was amazing and I am oh so thankful for so so much!
Now that I'm back to school, I thought I'd blog about something that has to do with first grade....ahhh what a concept. A month or so ago, I was doing my nightly Pintrest scroll through and came across this....
I tried this out...after ALOT of modeling...and it was a super success!!! I have 2-3 students play during small groups. What I love is that both students are actively reading during each turn. So, player 1 would read a word on the parking lot and tell player 2 to park his/her car there. Player 2 then has to drive his/her matchbox toy car to that parking space and then read a word for player 1. Super fun!
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