Happy Thanksgiving Friends!
I have spent the majority of the last two months talking about blogging and as I lay on my couch (my mom's couch-more on that later), watching the Macy's Day Parade and drinking my peppermint mocha latte (because today it is officially ok to break out Christmas flavors, scents, music, and decorations-in my book) I have decided it is time to post my VERY FIRST post. HOLY MOLY, I am excited! Also, a tad bit nervous....I am new to this and don't want to be "booed" off blogger one day in. So hang in there people, I promise I have some slightly good/cute ideas and I am a tad bit funny to boot...
I am a second year teacher in a small town on the Eastern Shore of Maryland (beautiful place, you should come visit and play tourist for a day). I work in a small public Title I school...literally surrounded by corn fields....and truly believe it was God's hand that placed me there. (p.s. I love and truly believe in Jesus and you will hear me refer to Him a lot
;) Last year, as a first year teacher, I spent every day trying to keep my head above "first year teacher water". This year, I have graduated from trying to keep my head above "first year teacher water" to treading (with very strong endurance most days) "second year teacher water."
More about me, my classroom, my inspirations, and the things/people that keep me sane in this crazy world of teaching to come s
Enjoy your day with family and friends...keep praying and teaching.
P.s. In case you are not a teacher and were always curious about those "awesome gifts" we teachers get....feast your eyes on what I got from one of my wonderful parents...holy turkey cake!!!!

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